A Simple Way to Write an Online Sales Letter

Want a simple way to write an online sales letter? Obviously there is no easy way to guarantee you’ll write awesome sales copy every single time. Even the most successful copy writers don’t always write the perfect sales letters. But it is a simple way to write an online sales letter that will produce good results for you more often than not.

First of all, to write an online sales letter you need to make sure you connect with the reader. So make sure you take the time to find out who your target customer is and then find out about them. Once you have this information then you can target their wants and needs. You can also make sure you use the type of language that they like to use.

Next, for a simple way to write an online sales letter you just have to make sure you concentrate on the sales letter one piece at a time. The first piece has to get the reader’s attention. The next piece has to peak the reader’s interest. Then the next piece has to create a desire in the reader for what you’re selling in the letter. Finally, you have to force the reader to take action. To do this you have to give them every reason to buy what you’re selling and remove all the fears that the reader might have about buying from you. So you have to look at it from both sides. Ask: Why would someone want to buy this? And also ask: Why wouldn’t someone want to buy this from me?

Also, when writing a sales letter try to tell some sort of a story. People love to read stories. You’ll keep people interested by telling a story. A story will also allow you to tap into people’s emotions. People buy on emotions so this will lead to more sales for you.

Simply breaking a sales letter into sections and concentrating on one section at a time is a simple way to write an online sales letter. First, think about how you will get the reader’s attention. Then think about peaking the reader’s interest and then how you will get them to desire what you’re selling. Finally, try to get the reader to take action and buy what you’re selling. If possible, throw a story into your sales letter too. Do all of these things one at a time and you’ll have a great sales letter written before you know it.

What to do before You Begin an IM Sales Letter

Before you begin an IM sales letter there are 3 things you should do. You should not simply jump in and begin writing the letter. First you want to take a lot of time and learn everything you can about the product, learn everything you can about your target customers, and then you want to walk in their shoes. Let’s take a look at each of these steps right now.

Step #1: Learn about the Product
How can you sell a product if you don’t know anything about it? Obviously if you created the product then you know a lot about it. But if you didn’t create it then you better make sure you become very familiar with it before you try to write your sales letter. Take as long as you need to discover everything there is to discover about the product. Pay special attention to the features and how those features will benefit people.

Step #2: Learn about the Target Customer
After you know everything there is to know about the product then you need to take some time to learn about the ideal or target customer. This is something that far too many Internet Marketers overlook when they’re writing sales letters. You have to get to know the people who will be buying what you’re selling. This will help you know what to write so that they will buy what you’re selling.

Step #3: Walk in the Customer’s Shoes
The final step for what to do before you begin an IM sales letter is to walk in your customer’s shoes. Now that you know the product and you know the customer, consider what it will take to get that customer to buy that product. Take your time and think about what the customer is thinking. Feel how they are feeling. Then figure out what you have to write so that they buy what you’re selling.

Always remember that you shouldn’t simply dive right into writing a sales letter. You have to learn about the product, learn about the target customer, and walk in the customer’s shoes. This is what you have to do before you begin an IM sales letter.

Advice for Beginning a Sales Letter: Slow Down

Writing a great sales letter that converts readers into paying customers is a guaranteed way to become successful with Internet Marketing. However, there is no guaranteed way to write a great sales letter. But some solid advice for beginning a sales letter is to slow down.

Too many people fail to follow this advice for beginning a sales letter. They rush right into actually writing the letter. This is a big mistake. Before anyone ever begins a sales letter they need to slow down and think about exactly what they want and need to write.

Every sales letter needs to follow a specific formula. One of the most common formulas is known as “AIDA.” These letters stand for attention, interest, desire, and action. Whatever formula you want to use to write your sales letter, make sure you keep it in mind as you write.

With the formula in mind, take your time and think about exactly what you want to write. Be sure you take a lot of time and familiarize yourself with whatever is being sold, slow down and think about the audience you’re targeting, and also think about what would make these people want and possibly need to buy what you’re selling. Once you consider all these things then you’re ready to actually begin writing your sales letter.

So, make sure you slow down and think about what you’re going to write before you even write the first word of your sales letter. Always follow this advice for beginning a sales letter and you will find that every sales letter you write converts well.

Crucial Internet Marketing Information: Testimonials

One of the most important keys to making money with Internet Marketing is gaining your customer’s trust. If people don’t trust you then they won’t buy anything from you. In fact, if people don’t trust you they won’t even look at what you’re trying to sell them. They won’t even consider buying it. One of the quickest and most effective ways to gain someone’s trust is through the use of testimonials. This is crucial Internet Marketing information.

A testimonial is an endorsement you get from someone who isn’t associated with your business. It is another person’s take on what you’re selling. So, someone else buys what you’re selling and then they tell how they like it. They say what they liked and why they liked it.

This is great because it is a third party’s opinion for what you’re selling. This is always given much more weight then anything you could ever say yourself. Potential customers are thinking that obviously you’ll say great things about your own product but other people aren’t required to endorse and/or say great things about what you’re selling. Therefore, what others say really helps other people decide that they should buy from you.

The best types of testimonials are those that you can get from experts in your niche and/or celebrities. For example, if you’re selling something in the cooking niche then it would be great to get an endorsement from someone who is an expert and a celebrity in that niche like Rachel Ray. Obviously this is tough to do but certainly you can see how such a testimonial would really explode your sales.

Testimonials will really help boost the trust that potential customers have in you and what you’re selling. Don’t ever forget this crucial Internet Marketing information. To make sales you have to gain potential customer’s trust. And to gain their trust you should use testimonials. Testimonials are a great way to really help you make more sales and they will really help your Internet Marketing business overall.

The ABCs for Internet Marketing

You’ve probably heard some variation of the ABCs for business. There is famous saying from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross that Alec Baldwin made famous. The quote was, “Always be closing.” This obviously meant that people in business should always be looking to close a deal. This is true for Internet Marketing but the ABCs for Internet Marketing are slight different.

The “A” in the ABCs for Internet Marketing stands for “advantage.” Whatever you’re selling online must have its advantages. Whether it’s a product or a service there has to be advantages that it offers for other people. Make sure you always lay those advantages on potential customers right up front.

The next part of the ABCs for Internet Marketing is “benefits.” Once you show people the advantages of what you’re selling, the next step you want to take is showing people how those advantages will benefit them. For example, if you’re selling a blog template that is easy to use and looks great then that is the advantage. However, a benefit of the blog template would be saving people time and making people more money.

Finally, the “C” in the ABCs for Internet Marketing is “commitment.” Quite simply you want to get people to buy your product before they move onto something else. So, do everything you can to make people buy right away. If you effectively laid out the advantages and benefits of your product then it shouldn’t be too hard to get them to commit to the sale. However, they might need just a little something more in order to actually commit. So, be sure to give them what it takes to get them to buy right away.

The ABCs for Internet Marketing are advantage, benefit, and commitment. You want to always be showing people the advantages to what you’re selling, how it can benefit them, and then you want to get people to commit to the sale. If you remember this then you will be more successful with your Internet Marketing business.

3 Can’t Miss Tips for Writing Better Sales Letters

A great sales letter can make all the difference between an online product being a success or a failure. But writing a successful sales letter can be very difficult. In fact, many people have no idea what it takes to write a great sales letter. To help you (and anyone else), here are 3 can’t miss tips for writing better sales letters.

The first can’t miss tip for writing better sales letters is to get to know your potential customer. You can’t just sit down and write about the product you’re going to sell. You have to know how to sell that product to the people who are most likely to buy the product. Put yourself in their shoes. Spend a lot of time thinking how to craft the sales letter so that they will read it and buy what you’re selling.

The next can’t miss tip for writing better sales letters is to tell a good story that ties in perfectly with what you’re trying to sell. People love to read stories. And a good story will pull the reader in and get keep them reading the entire sales letter. So, tell the best story you possibly can. That will get readers from the beginning of your sales copy all the way to the end of it. And that will help convert readers to buyers.

The last of the 3 can’t miss tips for writing better sales letters is to focus on the very beginning and the very ending of the sales letter. This means you want to make sure the headline and the PS and PPS is as effective as possible. The headline is what will grab the reader’s attention and the PS and PPS will be your last chance to get the reader to buy what you’re selling. You should also test these 2 parts of the sales letter. Make them as good as you possibly can.

3 can’t miss tips for writing better sales letter are to get to know your potential customer, to tell a great story, and to focus on the very beginning and the very ending of the story. If you follow these 3 tips then you will have a sales letter that converts readers into customers. This will make a lot of difference in how great your product does and how much money you make selling that product.

Write Awesome Sales Copy Headlines: Here are 5 Tips

Want to write better sales copy headlines? Obviously anyone who writes sales letters would like to write better sales copy headlines. Headlines are responsible for grabbing the readers’ attention. If you have a good headline then a lot of people will read the sales letter. If the headline is bad then nobody will read the sales letter. Here are 5 tips for how to write awesome sales copy headlines every single time.

Consider your Audience
The first tip to write awesome sales copy headlines is to consider your audience. This is something you have to do before you write the rest of the sales copy anyway. In fact, you want to take your time to get to know the ideal customer and then to pretend you are them for a while. It will help you write better headlines and better sales copy. Know your target customer, know what they want and need, and then promise that to them in the headline.

Include a Benefit
The next tip for writing awesome sales copy headlines is to include a benefit. There are many different ways you can write a headline but one of the most effective ways is by including your greatest benefit. Make sure it’s a benefit to the reader too. Don’t just write a headline about what the product does. Write what it will do for the reader. List all the benefits and then choose the greatest one and build a headline around it.

Impress the Reader
To write an awesome sales copy headline you also want to impress the reader. If possible, shock the reader. Promise them something extraordinary. Just make sure you don’t write something that sounds too good to be true. People are very sensitive to that now. But do write a headline that includes a great benefit. You can always use the sub-headline to clarify why the headline isn’t too good to be true.

Keep it Simple
The next tip is to keep it simple. You don’t want to make your headline too complicated. This will automatically discount a lot of people from reading the rest of your copy. Some will be scared off and others will be too lazy to keep reading. So, make sure you keep your headline as simple as possible.

Finally, the last of the 5 great tips to write awesome sales copy headlines it to test the headline. Write at least 3 headlines and then test which ones perform best. Don’t simply throw one headline on the top of your sales copy and expect it to perform brilliantly. Test, test, and then test some more.

It’s not easy to write great sales copy. But a great sales letter always begins with a great headline. 5 tips to write awesome sales copy headlines are to consider your audience, to include a benefit, to impress the reader, to keep it simple, and to test more than one headline. Follow these tips and you’ll have great headlines leading people to read the rest of your sales copy.